Thursday, July 15, 2010

Another Kitchen Meeting

We had another, 'Kitchen Meeting,' last night. Once again there were some emerging common themes concerning health, education, the economy,Island energy needs, environment and a growing frustration with the waste and inefficiency in government services. Waste not always in the cash sense but in reduced productivity and lost opportunities.

So, for over two hours we discussed various scenarios for improving services, retaining jobs and honoring contracts while also creating change for the better.

We identified road blocks and discussed the current lack of management experience in the political parties, as the primary causes of government inefficiency and the lack of accountability.

For me, the bottom line was we agreed that it was possible to make improvements but there needs to be competent, experienced, respected and trusted leadership at the top in order to inspire meaningful change throughout the system.

There was significant agreement, from this diverse group, that there are no single, mega project, silver bullets that will succeed in changing the course we are on. Several people commented on how impressed they were with the turn around that occurred in Georgetown while I was Mayor. I believe everyone arrived at an understanding of how I would tackle the issues raised at the meeting.
Common sense discussion leads to common sense solutions.

Lets talk.

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